25 Years of Great Service

We want to give you a big thank you for all you did to make our recent vacation such a success. The flight reservations you made, as well as the seat selection just suited us perfectly.
We thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful service you arranged with Limolink. The driver was so helpful & looked after getting our luggage off the belt so promptly & we were off to our motel so quickly. The driver was very efficient & prompt too when we were to be picked up for our return Flight. Your research into a rental car really paid off for us. The agency was so close to our motel, and all the arrangements you made were all in line. We had a great vehicle to drive for our holiday, & would certainly use their services another time.
If it were not for you, we would likely just be sitting here on our balcony never going away, but thanks to you, no request we make of you, large or small, you always tend to so quickly, efficiently & with so much thoughtfulness.
It was so very helpful to us, when you sent the neat & concise trip plan. It meant we only had about 2 pages to look at and know at a glance what to do.
I think it is obvious, that we would never plan any holiday, without calling you for help. After all these 25 years, we have followed you across the Country, from Toronto to Vancouver.
You are never more than a telephone call away. That speaks well for how much we value your capabilities.
You made a tremendous effort on our behalf Pam, & we just want you to know how grateful we are to you. Thank so much.
Take care,
As always,
Joyce & Mo.