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Lorraine makes the difference!

Our family has planned numerous trips with the help of Lorraine and our expectations have always been exceeded. From an ancient monastery converted to a stunning hotel in Orvieto to a castle on its own island in Ireland, Lorraine has found the most interesting and unique accommodations to compliment our travel experiences. Her attention to detail has more than once provided services we would not thought of ourselves and which made all the difference.
 Where having our connection with Lorraine has been invaluable though have been in those times when things have gone badly. When our daughter, travelling alone for the first time, missed her connecting flight in Toronto to London due to severe weather in the area, Lorraine had made all the arrangements, including advising her hotel of her late arrival before we had even processed the information. Her genuine concern for our worry and our daughter’s comfort was outstanding.
I can’t imagine planning a trip without her expertise and personal input.

Tom & Lindsay Beechinor

by Lindsay, Vancouver, BC trip to Orvieto

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