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Fly to Apulia, and Encounter a Very Tranquil Respite

By Blogger002 on 07/26/2012 in Puglia

Just like the rest of Italy, Apulia is filled with an abundance of history, culture and natural sceneries – so whether you want to bum on the beaches taken pride by Monopoli, get a quick tour of a small part of Italy’s history at the Old Town found in Bari or scrutinize the architecture of the imposing castle of Frederick II, namely the Castel del Monte, you’ll definitely appreciate every bit of this part of Southern Italy.

Daily Mail UK Travel writer Jenny Coad could attest to the serenity and interesting points of attraction in this part of the Salento peninsula as she tours and finds inner peace in Apulia (“Brought to Heel: Puglia Does Perfection as the Prettiest Part of Italy’s Shapely Foot”). She spent her holiday by booking a room at the Masseria, which she described to be “set loftily amid this bounty and just about overlooking the Adriatic (if you're on the roof)”.

Here’s a preview of her recent article:

This productive, hard-working landscape is dotted with dainty trulli dating from the 19th century. These turreted buildings, typical of the region, were originally designed to be dry storehouses. Now they are conical homes with tiny windows… More stately is baroque Martina Franca, under an hour's drive from Alberobello. The town begs to be admired, with pretty narrow, shuttered streets leading off its ornate, airy squares.

Discover more of her article, and learn more about the activities she enjoyed during her stay in Apulia.

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