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The Top 3 Surfing Beaches in the World

By Blogger002 on 06/27/2012 in Anywhere

There are a good number of individuals whose passion for surfing bring them to various parts of the world in the hope of finding the best waves to ride.

So read on to learn more about the top three surfing beaches in the world.
1. Huntington Beach
Searching for the ‘perfect break’? Then Huntington Beach is the most ideal surfing beach for you. Recognized as the Surf City of America, where the yearly OP Pro Surfing Tournament and International Surfing Championship is held, some of the best waves in this beach could be found near the huge pier. Meanwhile, most locals advise that the perfect time to catch the big swell is during winter months.
2. Jeffrey’s Bay
Primarily famous as a great surfing destination, this South African bay boasts of its nice year-round weather and six amazing breakpoints. You could check out splendid waves on places like Albatross, Magna Tubes and Kitchen Windows. These are, in fact, one of the many reasons why the annual Billabong Surfing Festival is held here every July.
3. Kandahar Beach
Almost all types of surfers could enjoy the waves in this Mexican beach. Providing access not only from the beach but also from river mouths and reefs, Kandahar caters to novice surfers, shortboarders and longboarders as well. There is room for everyone wanting to ride a good wave. Tough yet amazing waves could be enjoyed in Troncones Point, swift and great swells at the Boca and nice longboard rides at the La Saladita. 
There are a lot more great beaches to find an excellent wave to ride on, but these are the top three surfing beaches that you can find!

So start planning your next surfing trip today!

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