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The World’s Top Destinations that Specialize in Medical Tourism

By Blogger002 on 07/21/2012 in Anywhere

People resort to the alternative of having medical procedures done in other countries primarily for cost considerations, and this is one of the reasons why medical tourism is booming, worldwide.  

When cost consideration is mentioned, it does not necessarily mean that quality is sacrificed; in fact, some countries are known for certain procedures because they specialize in these areas.  

Some of the country destinations for medical tourism include Colombia, which is known for cosmetic surgery, cardiovascular surgery and organ transplants.

While India could help you with cardiac and orthopaedic procedures as well as other high-end operations, you may also check out Costa Rica for dental treatments and orthopaedic surgeries, most especially knee replacements.

Furthermore, Malaysia boasts of specializing in dental, cosmetic and cardiac surgeries, and Brazil is known for concentrating on cosmetic and plastic surgery, especially in Sao Paulo.

In addition to these, the Czech Republic is the number one choice of Western Europeans for surgeries and the ever popular breast enlargement. Finally, Mexico attracts a good number of travellers as it remains to be the Lap band destination for those wanting to lose weight  
On the whole, taking a short vacation, while at the same getting specialized care abroad, still remains the biggest come-on for medical tourism.  


So start planning your next travel today!

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