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Travel Tip: How to Avoid Scams When Traveling in Cuba

By Blogger002 on 07/28/2012 in Cuba

In terms of street safety, Cuba boasts of firm, well-known police services, which ensure that the major cities are free from any form of crimes; hence, safety in Cuba can be well assured.

Nonetheless, it is highly recommended to always be cautious of your actions and dealings with the locals because scams still exist in this country.

Read on to learn more about ways to avoid scams when traveling in and around Cuba.

1. Avoid Jineteros

Jineteros or jineteras are usually people who get overfriendly just so they could lure you into their business. These touts usually refer you to private restaurants, in which they obtain commission from referrals, or persuade you to purchase cigars that are from the black market. Others would even offer prostitutes to travelers who are up for such paid one-night stands.

2. Money Exchange

The only places that you should trust in exchanging your money with are CADECA kiosks, hotels and banks. Apart from these, don’t give in to what seems like a good deal offered by locals on the streets as it may turn out as a fraud.

3. Restaurants

When dining in state restaurants or grabbing a drink in bars, ensure that you properly check your bill prior to shelling out for your meal or drinks. There are some waiters who’d like to earn additional income by providing you a written bill without the breakdown of your orders. Always ask for the printed check from the register so that won’t be fooled out of your money.

Overall, it takes common sense to be saved from scams, most especially when travelling in Cuba.

So get started with a positive travel experience as early as now by communicating with our travel experts!

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